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Come and experiment...

The Switch_Lab is a free monthly workshop at the University of Manchester for actors, writers, directors and workshop leaders to develop their practice.

The sessions are 4 hours long and provide a space for writers, actors, directors and workshop leaders to develop their work in a creative hub. In advance of the session we contact writers/workshop leaders to discuss their work and pair them with directors/actors. 


During the session, time is given for workshops to take place or cast to rehearse with a director, with the writer in the space to answer any questions, and make notes for themselves. Towards the end of the session the pieces are performed to each other and feedback given. 


Each session is structured around the writers play, and therefore we invite participants based on their suitability for the session. We always make sure to bring new people in to each session and create a space where as many people can be included as possible and always run our callouts each month on our social media platforms.

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